
Please note
If you link a repeater as part of a QSO, then please un-link it when your QSO has finished

The group operates and maintains several repeaters, as well as offering technical support to other groups. 

The KRG repeaters are listed and linked below. There may be changes made to the repeater, be it equipment, logic, etc which is not always updated on these pages.

KRG repeater quick reference:

Tx430.900 MHz430.8875 MHz145.7875 MHz430.8125 MHz430.3000 MHz
Rx438.500 MHz438.4875 MHz145.1875 MHz438.4125 MHz439.3000 MHz
Split7.6MHz7.6MHz0.6Mhz7.6MHz9.0 MHz
ModulationAnalogue FMAnalogue FMAnalogue FMAnalogue FMDMR
Colour CodeNA NANA  NA8
Echolink node430900NA 78750NA NA

GB7KR Slots

Slot 1, talk group 75, only.
Slot 2, talk group 9 also dynamic selection